Delicious veggie recipes and stories of vegetable and marital bliss.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Prodigal Blogger Returns

I know, I've been ignoring you. I've been outside because rainy season is finally over. Actually, I've been volunteering a lot too, with an adult literacy program and with TANC (the Tibetan Association of Northern California). I assure you that my husband is still being (well) fed. While I've been slacking on the blog, I've perfected spanikopita, cheese enchiladas, and vegan chocolate chip cookies. I finally made a pancake of restaurant quality, all thanks to my new ceramic titanium ScanPan. I also bought a large leafy basil plant and made my first pesto of spring. (It IS spring here in California, 70 and sunny and so green...apologies to my peeps in colder climates. I finally remember why I agreed to move out here in the first place.)

Here's what you can expect in the very near future. (Be excited.)
I'm currently working on the Go Veg For Passover Manifesto.
Let's face it: the holiday commemorates the suffering of our people. So to celebrate, we go ahead and inflict suffering on others? Is that the logic of a well-educated people? Gefilte Fish (I'm not sure what kind of fish this is, but I'm sure it is made from fish), Matzoh Ball Soup (made with chicken!), brisket (I think that comes from a cow?), chopped liver (don't even get me started); JUST SAY NO. Have you seen factory farms or slaughterhouses? They make Egypt look like a resort in the Catskills. The animals are still waiting for their Moses to come and lead them out of oppression. What will you do to celebrate freedom this year?
(Okay, sorry, I get excited and preachy about this, but I think it could really be the start of an important movement.)


  1. Dear Ms Cush: Glad you're back and funnier than ever. How about some ecumenical dishes. Broaden your horizon woman. I can't wait to see the Go Veg For Easter Manifesto for a vegi goose and boiled ham dish.

  2. That would be Go Veg for Lent, Pastor. I think the Eastern Orthodox have been doing it for about 1500 years now...

  3. Go veg for Lent? Only as penance my dear to show sorrow for a life of eating cheeseburgers at the old parsonage.

  4. Wait, I ate spanikopita and cheese enchiladas made by you years ago and they were already perfect then. So no fair claiming those as recent accomplishments. I'll give you the vegan cookies and the pancakes. But I'm glad you got your kitchen aid mixer. :) Love the blog, keep up the good work.
